Ftit ġranet ilu dan s-sit żvela b’mod esklussiv kif is-Sur Keith Arnaud li sa ftit ilu kien inkarigat mit-Taqsima kontra d-Drogi fil-Korp tal-Pulizija kien tneħħa minn din l-kariga. Din l-aħbar ma ġiet miċħuda minn ħadd u fil-fatt ikkonfermata. Il-bierah tressqet-Qorti surġent mill-istess Taqsima kontra d-Drogi fuq kxif ta’ informazzjoni u akkużi oħra u […]
Message to Manfred Weber, President of the EPP and Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament. Mr. Manfred Weber, I salute you from the Great Siege Monument in Valletta, Malta. I have just put a Maltatoday front page placard exposing your close colleague David Casa as a very heavy drug […]
So, I just had to share this little gem of gossip that’s been making the rounds. Apparently, the President of Malta, H.E. Myriam Spiteri Debono, decided to have a cozy little chat with the Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses. And guess who decided to make an appearance? None other than […]