Nixtieq nawgura l-isbaħ affarijiet lil James Piscopo li rritorna lura Kastilja fi rwol diffiċli u partikolari.
Meta fl-2011 tressaq Borg Hedley, ic-chief of staff ta’ Tonio Fenech u nstab ħati li ġie mxaħħam, Daphne Caruana Galizia kellha l-blog u ma talbitx inkjesti maġisterjali fuq Tonio Fenech u lanqas kitbet elf blog kif kitbet kontra politiċi Laburisti. Dan ġie misjub ħati li xxaħħam in konnessjoni ma xoghlu bħala chief […]
It’s so infuriating how Daphne’s social circle feels entitled to criticize others while defending their own actions as freedom of expression. Let’s not forget the whole story – her tragic death, yes, but also her legacy of spreading hate, facing domestic violence allegations, and dodging taxes that could hint at money laundering. Let’s […]