This is one scandal that’ll make your jaw drop! So here’s the dirt – and believe me, when I first heard about it, I couldn’t wrap my head around it. It sounded too outrageous to be true, but after digging deeper, I found out it’s 100% legit. Let me break it down for […]
Mr. Pawlu Pace of the Malta Union for Midwives and Nurses (MUMN) is under serious police scrutiny! Summoned for further questioning, Pace found himself before Inspector Rodney Wayne Borg last Saturday, raising eyebrows across Malta. But that’s not the end of this scandalous saga! Despite facing potentially career-ending criminal charges, Pawlu Pace stubbornly clings […]
Dan is-sit jinsab infurmat li s-Sur Pawlu Pace tal-MUMN reġa’ ġie msejjah mill-Pulizija għal aktar interrogazzjoni. Propju s-Sibt li għadda, Pace deher quddiem l-Ispettur Rodney Wayne Borg. Sadanittant, minkejja li beda jiġi interrogat mill-Pulizija fuq akkużi kriminali serji u gravi li jistgħu jwasslu għal priġunerija u anki interdezzjoni ġenerali, Pawlu Pace qed jibqa’ […]