Il-Partit Laburista għandu juri snienu u jibda minnufih jitlob inkjesti fuq għadd ta’ Deputati Nazzjonalisti. Dan is-sit ilu xahar iħambaq li għandhom jiġu investigati Deputati bħal Stephen Spiteri, Joe Giglio u Toni Bezzina, Beppe Fenech Adami, Austin Gatt u anke Peter Agius. Fil politika il-kwiet mhux risposta. Ġlieda tintrebaħ jekk tiġġieled mhux jekk […]
Should Magistrate Elaine Rizzo Mercieca continue to preside over drug-related cases in light of her brother’s positive cocaine test and his suspected involvement with traffickers? In this situation, Magistrate Elaine Rizzo Mercieca could consider taking several steps to address the concerns and maintain public confidence in the judicial process: 1. Public Statement […]
The Nationalist Party is actively attempting to infiltrate Labour’s domain by launching both overt and covert offensives. Considering this assertive posture from our rivals, it’s crucial for Labour to adopt a proactive strategy instead of merely responding to their maneuvers. It is time for Labour to demonstrate resilience and show that we cannot be […]