Elaine Rizzo Mercieca, the sister of Kurt Rizzo, serves as a magistrate. Kurt Rizzo, who is both a policeman and part of a private security team with Roberta Metsola, recently tested positive for cocaine and has been implicated in passing confidential information to drug traffickers. This platform was one of the few to […]
When will the Labour Party start demanding investigations and resignations of Nationalists like Stephen Spiteri? Why doesn’t anyone ask about the companies registered at his residence in Marsascala? That’s why Labour keeps getting hit because it doesn’t know how to attack. In politics, silence is not the answer. A fight is […]
Dan is-sit żvela kif madwar tlett snin ilu kien hemm investigazzjoni tat-taxxa fil-konfront ta’ Stephen Spiteri. It-Tax Compliance Unit kien diġà talab l-informazzjoni mill-banek u ma tantx kien hemm affarijiet sbieħ. Dan is-sit għandu indikazzjoni ċara ta’ x’kien l-eżodu ta’ l-informazzjoni mgħotija mill-banek. Sa issa skiet totali minn naħa tal-Kummissarju tat- Taxxa. […]