L-ingaġġ ta’ Amanda sar f’nofs il-covid – f’nofs pandemija li ċ-ċivil ta’ struzzioninijet ċari sabiex kull fejn jista’ kulħadd jaħdem ‘remotely’! Din kienet struzzjoni taċ-ċivil. Apparti hekk, l-ingaġġ tagħha kien biex jinċentiva l-aspett turistiku li huwa nofs il-GDP tal-gżira t’Għawdex.
H.E. Myriam Spiteri Debono President of The Republic of Malta Dear President Myriam Spiteri Debono, During the inauguration of the Fondazione Falcone branch, you delivered a speech that included a detailed account of journalists who have tragically lost their lives across Europe. While I appreciate your efforts to shed light on this […]
We support Clint and Clayton. It is time for the Labour Party to show strength and unity in the face of adversity. It’s infuriating to see the double standards at play here. Salvu Griscti was forced to resigned. So why is Stephen Spiteri getting a free pass? What about those shady companies registered […]