F’ Kastilja ukoll ma’ Lawrence Gonzi kien hemm Charles Bonello u Charmaine Gerada. It-tnejn li huma kellhom kariga għolja ħafna fis-segretarjat u kienu koppja fil-ħajja privata.
L-ipokrezija tan-Nazzjonalisti dwar Clayton Bartolo u Clint Camilleri hija inkredibbli. Isemmu li Deputy Chief of Staff ta’ Lawrence Gonzi kien Leonard Callus. Tafu min hi oħtu? Kate Gonzi. Lawrence Gonzi allura impjega lir-raġel ta’ oħtu. Ha nsemmilkom aktar jien la One qishom pastizzi.
So, on the oh-so-memorable date of 23/09/2024, I’ve sent an email to the elusive Ms. Catherine Sciberras, Manager of the Communication Office, at the Archdiocese of Malta. You know, just a few innocent questions about His Excellency the Archbishop’s Homily on the 60th anniversary of Independence. A whole month goes by, and […]