Jeremy Harbinson has clearly deceived everyone by claiming to be on the Maltese Court’s list of experts when he was not. The real question here is; Magistrate Gabriella Vella, Who advised you to appoint these individuals who were not even on the list? We are well aware of the truth behind […]
Jeremy Harbinson’s deceitful actions in the Court are absolutely reprehensible. Not only did he blatantly lie under oath about being chosen as an expert, but he also conveniently overlooked the fact that Dr.Franklin Calleja, Registrar of the Criminal Court had already exposed his falsehood. It is outrageous that someone entrusted with such a crucial […]
Kif ġà għidtilhom, l-esperti li tqabbdu mill-Maġistrat Gabriella Vella ma kienux fuq il-lista ta’ esperti tal-Qorti Maltija. Jeremy Harbinson gideb meta qal li kien f’ din il-lista. Mistoqsija issa lil Maġistrat Gabriella Vella: MIN tak il-parir biex taħtar lil dawn l-esperti? Ngħidilha li aħna nafu min u l-informazzjoni […]