F’affidavit bil-ġurament Andre Carbonaro li dak iż-żmien kien tkeċċa minn ma Austin Gatt u kien jaħdem ma Casa, kien għamel affidavit fejn spjega li David Casa kellu vizzju kbir tal-cocaine li kien jieħu ma sħabu. “He (Andre Carbonaro) describes how Casa would be surrounded by friends and also aides, with whom he would […]
Meta saru allegazzjonijiet serji dwar cocaine parties kontra David Casa, wieħed mill-aktar nies qrib David Casa kien propju l-Albaniż Nicky Azzopardi. Jekk qed jaħseb li nsejna sejjer żball.
With great sadness, I share the news of Monsignor Victor Grech’s passing. He peacefully departed from this world today, Wednesday, 5th February 2025, at the venerable age of 95. Monsignor Grech, born on 19th October 1929 in Bormla, was ordained as a priest on 17th March 1956. His life was a testament to […]