Repubblika, the self-proclaimed beacon of honesty and integrity! How charming it is that you’re supposedly powered by nothing but the altruism of public donations and membership fees. But wait—what’s this? You’ve been dipping into the USAID treasure chest, courtesy of American taxpayers, to fund a conference on press freedom and the protection of journalists […]
The Electrogas case took a startling turn today as the inspector prosecuting the case stated during cross-examination that no evidence was found linking any payments to Members of Parliament or public officials, including Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri. And yet, despite this crucial revelation, there is a relentless smear campaign against individuals who, let’s not […]
Għaddiet ġimgħa mindu dan is-sit ippubblika għadd ta’ artikli relatati mal-imġieba moqżieża ta’ Joe Sammut, dak li minn politiku fallut sab ruħu Ambaxxatur. Dan wara li mar jeqred għand Robert Abela sabiex jagħtih impjieg. Robert Abela ħenn għalih u fetaħlu l-bieb u wara ftit taż-żmien laħaq Ambaxxatur Malti għat-Tuneżija. Minkejja li dan […]