Your Excellency Steve Ellul, I’m getting really frustrated and losing my patience with the lack of follow-through on your part. At the end of last week, you promised to publish the list, but it seems like nothing has materialized. I’m giving you a bit more time to follow through on your […]
So, get this. Harbinson Forensics Ltd, the company we trusted with €11 million of our hard-earned tax money, just up and decided to liquidate and close shop. And guess what? Not a peep from our so-called local media. I mean, seriously? And where are the One News reporters? I posted […]
Steve Ellul. fl-aħħar tal-ġimgħa l-oħra wegħdtni li ser tippublika l lista. Sa issa ma rajna xejn. Ser inkun qed nagħtik ftit ħin ieħor u jekk ma żżommx kelmtek, ikolli nkompli fejn ħallejt.