Konna għidnilkom li l-President ta’ Repubblika, Vicki Ann Cremona hija esperta tal-Karnival. Iżda One esperti tal-kummiedji. Minn tant nies biex jitkellmu dwar il-Karnival, lilha kellhom jistiednu? Ma jafux kemm TOBGĦODNA lilna l-Laburisti? Jafu kemm l-inkjesta fetħu għalxejn hi u sħabha? Jafu li huma l-imħuħ wara l-vendikazzjoni politika kontra Joseph Muscat? […]
Jeremy Harbinson, the supposed expert behind the controversial report that led to charges against Joseph Muscat and others, is now attempting to evade testifying by citing his wife’s health condition as an excuse. The court has rightfully requested certificates to verify the validity of his claims within a two-day timeframe. However, Harbinson, through Dr. […]
Jeremy Harbinson’s repeated refusal to testify in person for the Vitals Global Healthcare (VGH) inquiry strikes at the heart of transparency and fairness in Malta’s judicial process. His decision to rely on remote testimony, citing personal and family reasons, denies defendants the right to cross-examine a witness whose report is central to the case. […]