Foreign Minister Taher Al-Baour engaged in a productive phone call with Maltese counterpart Ian Borg over the weekend, focusing on a comprehensive review of bilateral relations. The discussions, as outlined by the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, delved into recent local and international developments of significance. During the conversation, both parties underscored the […]
Last week, we witnessed the unveiling of the stark limitations of the Repubblika, boasting a mere 943 members after six years of existence. Established in 2019, Repubblika has fervently opposed the Labor Government and individuals aligned with Labor ideologies. Their aggressive stance extended to criticizing Police Commissioners and labeling various institutions as Mafia, reflecting […]
Il-ġimgħa l-oħra rajna kif dan is-sit elettroniku rnexxielu jesponi l-limitazzjonijiet tal-għaqda Repubblika. Dawn għandhom total ta’ 943 membri. Iva sewwa qed taqraw; f’sitt snin lanqas biss irnexxielhom jgħaqqdu l-elf membru. L-għaqda Repubblika ġiet iffurmata fl-2019. Minn dakinhar ‘l quddiem, imbarkaw fuq kruċjata kontra l-Gvern Laburista u dawk kollha li jħaddnu t-twemmin Laburista. […]