Somers Farkas is the new US Ambassador to Malta. Known for her regal bearing and philanthropic efforts, Somers Farkas has made a name for herself in the Hamptons, Upper East, and Palm Beach social circles. As a major Republican donor, Somers Farkas recently made headlines for her generous contribution of $300,000 to Donald […]
Dan is-sit jawgura lil Jean Claude Micallef għal ħatra ta’ Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Awtorità għall-Integrità fl-Isport Malti (AIMS). Fi Stqarrija li ħarġet minn AIMS, intqal li Jean Claude Micallef mistenni jimplimenta struttura u strateġija fi ħdan l-Awtorità biex jindirizza l-prijoritajiet identifikati mill-Bord tal-AIMS, filwaqt li mistenni jaħdem fuq kampanji edukattivi biex isaħħaħ l-isforzi tal-Awtorità fost […]
I am writing to address a concerning issue that has been increasingly prevalent in the political landscape – impulsivity in politicians. This reckless behaviour has far-reaching consequences and undermines the trust of the public in our elected officials. It is imperative that those in positions of power exercise prudence and forethought in their […]