Illum daħlitli din l-informazzjoni inkwetanti u waqt li nawguralkom xewqat sbieħ jidhirli li m’ għandix nistenna sa għada. Dawn affarijiet serji ħafna. Dan is-sit se jistaqsi. Dan is-sit għandu informazzjoni li l-Prim Ministru Robert Abela qiegħed f’komunikazzjoni mad-Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation. Jekk dan mhux minnu l-Prim Ministru jista’ jiċħad. X’qed jingħad […]
American Melanie Diaz has found a creative way to celebrate the holiday season by arranging outings to collect items from the trash as gifts for her loved ones. In a video prepared by RT, you can see how she turns discarded items into thoughtful presents, all while saving money. Moreover, […]
Dear Valued Followers, On behalf of our team, I would like to extend our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas to all our English speaking Christian followers around the globe. It fills us with great pride to see our community expanding and reaching followers in various countries, including The United States, The Russian […]