Kieku l-mainstream media trid tagħmel xogħolha għandha hafna materjal dwar l-avukati Giglio, husband and wife, li għadu qatt ma ġie żvelat publikament. F’xi żmien il-kumpanija A&P Power bidlet l-isem għal Zurich Asset Management Ltd. L-indirizz ta’ dawn il-kumpaniji kien 36, Archbishop Str Valletta. Jista’ xi ħadd jikkonferma jekk dan hux l-istess […]
Ian Borg has taken the initiative to issue a clear statement regarding the recent controversy surrounding Kurt Rizzo. In his detailed explanation, Borg made it unequivocally clear that he never asked for Rizzo. This level of transparency is commendable and sets a standard for accountability in public office. However, the same cannot be […]
Absolutely disgusting the sheer hypocrisy displayed by Daphne Caruana Galizia’s clique in light of recent events. It is no secret that one of the reasons for her estrangement from the Demarco family was linked to the resignation of Brigadier Maurice Calleja when his son Meinrad was accused of cocaine trafficking. While her supposed […]