Il-Partit Nazzjonalista huwa bejta ta’ dawk li ma jħallsux taxxa. Imma jista’ jkun li hemm bejtiet oħrajn li għadhom mhux daqsekk magħrufa. Illum Kurt Rizzo, pulizija u security privat ma Roberta Metsola nstab pożittiv għal kokaina u li jgħaddi informazzjoni lit-traffikanti tad-droga. Li David Casa huwa drogat jafuha kulħadd. […]
I couldn’t help but chuckle when I heard about the brilliant plan to delete any photos of Kurt Rizzo near Metsola and David Casa. Good luck with that! I mean, Rizzo is practically Metsola’s shadow, closing her car door and all. It’s like trying to separate a pair of socks that have been through the […]
Nationwide concern over the recent revelations regarding Magistrate Elaine Rizzo Mercieca and her brother Kurt Rizzo. It has come to light that Kurt Rizzo, a policeman and private security with Roberta Metsola, was found to be positive for cocaine and is suspected of passing information to drug traffickers. What is even more […]