Let’s talk about the investigation into the Swiss account held by the former transport minister, Austin Gatt. It resulted in a hefty €29,000 penalty due to unpaid taxes resulting from incorrectly claimed ministerial expense allowances. It is absolutely unacceptable that someone in a position of power and authority would engage in such deceitful […]
The Nationalist Party’s staggering debt of thirty million euros, initiated by Pawlu Borg Olivier, is a stark reminder of the financial mismanagement within the party. It is infuriating to see that tax evasion appears to be a common practice among PN members, almost as if it is a part of their organizational culture. The […]
Il-Partit Nazzjonalista għandu tletin miljun ewro dejn li bdiehom Pawlu Borg Olivier. Imma iktar qed joħroġ ċar li l-PN huwa għaqda ta’ dawk li jevadu t-taxxa. Kważi jistgħu jiktbuha fl-istatut tant kemm hu vizzju mifrux fil-PN. Ma ninsewx li llum tax evasion tista’ tfisser money laundering. L-istorja ta’ snin […]