Yet another remarkable individual within the Financial Crime and Investigation Department (FCID). Following in the footsteps of former Superintendent Frank Anthony Tabone, we have discovered another police officer with seemingly superhuman abilities. Alessandra Mamo, the former Deputy Commissioner of Police, has astounded us all with her divine ability to be in two […]
Matthew Mamo. A name that may mean nothing to many, but when you see his photo you remember him as a Net News journalist who used to follow and run after Joseph Muscat. After Net he moved to RTK. Maybe it was Karol Aquilina who advised him to make the change? […]
Illum it-Tnejn 16 ta’ Diċembru 2024, huwa l-ewwel darba li waqt vigil organizzata mill-klikka ta’ Daphne, kien hemm placards ta’ protesta kontra Daphne Caruana Galizia. Il-Monument tal-Assedju l-Kbir, qabel jerġa’ jsir ta’ kulħadd, issa sar post ta’ protesta favur u kontra Daphne. M’ghadux il-mafkar ta’ Daphne iżda l-mafkar ta’ kontriha wkoll. […]