This site is once again revealing what the mainstream media has been hiding from the Maltese public. The black Range Rover CD 249 on which the Police found the number plates of a Nationalist Deputy was seized with a freezing order and was the property of the company Bongu Media Malta Ltd (C 54291), […]
Jien ġurnalist investigattiv. Daphne kienet tivvinta. Jiena nżomm mal-fatti. Dan is-sit qed jiżvela informazzjoni importanti għall-ewwel darba. Informazzjoni li ftit minnha ilh snin għand il-mainstream media u ħbewha minnkom. Il-każ ta’ vjolenza domestika ta’ Daphne huwa mhux biss ta’ interess nazzjonali izda ta’ interess internazzjonali. Dak li qed jiżvela dan […]
Din hija email xokkanti li meta jasal l-mument se tispiċċa fil-Parlament Ewopew. Il-kontenut tal-email huwa dan: “This is the police commissioner’s personal number – 7949 1**0. If you ring him, he will instruct his juniors not to proceed, even before it reaches court. I strongly recommend that you do this, not […]