It seems that there is a strong movement brewing within the party that is ready to give Bernard Grech the boot if he doesn’t take action on Joe Giglio. According to sources from the Nationalist Parliamentary Group, if Bernard Grech continues to drag his feet on the issue and doesn’t show Joe Giglio […]
Dan is-sit jinsab infurmat li hemm moviment qawwi fi ħdan il-Partit Nazzjonalista li huma lesti jtajru lil Bernard Grech ġaladarba ma jaġixxix fuq id-Deputat Joe Giglio. L-istess sorsi mil-Grupp Parlamentari Nazzjonalista saħqu li jekk Bernard Grech jibqa’ jirreżisti li jkeċċih jew ma jisfurzahx jirreżenja, allura ma tkunx sorpriża li sseħħ xi ‘Adrian Delia’ […]
More about the disturbing news regarding Nationalist MP Joe Giglio and his questionable connections. It is no secret that Giglio has been turning a blind eye to various unethical practices, particularly in connection with Rakhat Aliyev and Elnara Shorazova. There have been numerous suspicious transactions involving Giglio and his wife Jeanine, who is […]