Absolutely appalled by the recent revelations regarding the unpaid wages of employees at the Nationalist Party. It has come to our attention that some individuals were coerced into working as self-employed individuals, bypassing Jobsplus, which has resulted in significant delays in receiving their rightful payments. It is utterly unacceptable that a number […]
Dr. Frank Anthony Tabone, the Police Officer who allegedly came up with the idea of searching Joseph Muscat’s house, has been avoiding addressing the serious accusations against him. Despite the public outcry and demands for clarification, Dr. Tabone has chosen to remain silent, leaving many unanswered questions lingering in the air. It […]
Rakhat Aliyev, Uffiċjal Għoli u Diplomatiku mill- Każakistan, kellu attachment order inkluż fuq Range Rover iswed li ma setax jużah minħabba l-attachment order. Il-Pulizija kienet marret il-Mellieħa, Santa Marija Estate, u stenniet lil Aliyev joħroġ mid-dar. Kif ħareġ mid-dar ġie mwaqqaf mil-Pulizija li nnota li number plates ma kienux jikkorrispondu mal-vettura tiegħu. Iżda […]