Sur Galea, Se nkompli nindirizza lilek u nitolbok terfa’ ir-responsabbilta’ u ma tħallix aktar lil Pawlu Pace iniżżel miegħu lill-MUMN, jekk mhux lilek miegħu wkoll. 4. Tikkonferma li lil Nathalie Manche’, mart it-Teżorier, impjegajtuha mal-MUMN? 5. In-negozju tal-Warner Cinema qatt iddiskutejtuh mal-membri? 6. Veru li tajjartu lil Joseph Aquilina, għax […]
Recent developments regarding border controls within the European Union. The Dutch government recently announced the tightening of border controls at land borders with Belgium and Germany, allocating 50 staff to work at 840 checkpoints for the next six months. This decision was mainly driven by a shortage of border guards. Similarly, the German […]
I just had to share this super cute picture with you. It’s a real gem, showcasing a group of individuals who are quite the characters. Let’s break it down, shall we? On the far left, we have an expert on carnivals who couldn’t secure a single investment during his time as a former ambassador […]