Jien Neville Gafà Ġurnalist Investigattiv

Neville Gafa

~ 3 months ago

Jien Neville Gafà Ġurnalist Investigattiv

Għal Daphne, il-Partit Nazzjonalista qatt ma kien jiżbalja u minkejja intiena qawwija ta’ korruzzjoni qatt ma xammitha f’ħamsa u għoxrin sena.



Jien qed nikxef il-ħmieġ tal-Partit Nazzjonalista u qed nagħmlilhom xogħolhom.


Jekk mhux se jitnaddfu mhux se jieħdu ruħ. Dan s-sit qed jiżvela stejjer li l-mainstream media ilhom jaħbulkom.



L-istorja dwar Daphne Caruana Galizia għadha ser tibda tinkiteb.

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Neville Gafa


  1. Joe Grech December 15, 2024

    Dear Mr Gafa, it about time that someone grabs the bull by the horns. The nationalists, The Times of Malta, OCCRP all vehicles to slender and to badmouth people who had in the past or present the opportunity to work under Joseph Muscat. Many of us remain in silence whilst being attacked for no reason whatsoever by the usual journalists those with a political agenda no matter of the repercussions. We can’t provide our honest replies as they will continue to persevere with the attacks, the Government the Law there is no protection. I note you are very cautious the way you right never personal nor disrespectful. Your platform will continue to gain popularity as long as you proceed to share tangible verified information. The Labour Government should be thankful for your work PM Abela should get down from his ivory tower to recognize your work. Keep it up. Will be following.

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      Neville Gafa December 15, 2024

      Thanks a million for your support 🙏


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