Standing in Solidarity with Peter Caruana Galizia

Neville Gafa

~ 2 months ago

Standing in Solidarity with Peter Caruana Galizia

Regarding the character of Daphne Caruana Galizia, there are individuals who are attempting to distort the narrative surrounding her, portraying her as a hero rather than the vile and despicable person she truly was.


As we delve deeper into the details of her life, particularly in relation to domestic violence, it becomes evident that the truth is far from flattering. It is a truth that is uncomfortable and unsettling, one that may even lead to the rewriting of history books and the renaming of halls. In the midst of this revelation, it is crucial that we stand in solidarity with one of her greatest victims – her husband, Peter Caruana Galizia.



Peter Caruana Galizia endured unimaginable suffering at the hands of his wife, including physical violence and emotional abuse. It is deeply regrettable that during the GonziPN era, the Police failed to provide him with the necessary protection against such atrocities. No individual should ever have to endure such treatment, and our hearts go out to Peter as he continues to navigate the aftermath of these traumatic experiences.



In light of these revelations, I would like to express my unwavering support and solidarity with Peter Caruana Galizia. It is imperative that we acknowledge the pain and suffering he has endured, and work towards ensuring that no one else falls victim to similar circumstances in the future.

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Neville Gafa

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