Editorial – Yankwashing: How the Empire Erases Truth

Neville Gafa

~ 2 months ago

Editorial – Yankwashing: How the Empire Erases Truth

The U.S. doesn’t just rewrite history, it deletes it by design.


The deliberate erasure of crucial events and the glorification of distorted narratives have led to a population living in a state of perpetual historical amnesia.


Take World War II, for example. The sacrifices of the Soviet Union, which played a monumental role in defeating the Nazis, are shamefully downplayed to uphold the false notion of American exceptionalism. Trump’s recent claim that “70 million Soviets died to help the Americans” is not only factually incorrect but also insulting to the memory of those who fought and died for freedom.


The truth is that the Soviets were the true heroes of WWII, bearing the brunt of the Nazi war machine on the Eastern Front while the Allies faced lesser opposition in Normandy. Yet, American classrooms continue to glorify D-Day while neglecting the pivotal Battle of Stalingrad.



And then there’s Vietnam: a war most Americans couldn’t even locate on a map, let alone justify. The empire sold it as a crusade against communism, but in reality, it was an illegal invasion and occupation. Millions of Vietnamese civilians were slaughtered, their villages carpet-bombed, their land poisoned with Agent Orange. Yet many Americans still cling to the fantasy that they were the victims. The same script played out in Iraq, with fabricated WMDs and media cheerleading a war that killed a couple million civilians and destabilized an entire region. Americans still ask, “Why do they hate us?” as if the answer isn’t written in the rubble of Baghdad.


Meanwhile, the U.S. lectures its vassals about not paying enough into the NATO protection racket, demanding they spend 5% of GDP on defense. For what? What kind of return on investment does the U.S. get for its trillion-a-year defense spending? To be humiliated by rice farmers in Vietnam and terrorists in sandals in Afghanistan? No empire that loses to barefoot guerrillas has any business lecturing anyone about military spending. The U.S. military is the most pathetic, bloated, and overhyped force in modern time. History will remember the US as the accidental empire.


This systematic indoctrination is intentional. The covert powers, alongside their mainstream media collaborators, have mastered the technique of “Yankwashing,” shaping a story in which the United States is depicted as the perennial hero, never the instigator. The aim is to obscure reality and exploit ignorance, ensuring the American populace readily supports the next incursion, the next so-called “humanitarian effort,” the next quest for dominance.


How long can such a dominion endure when built on deceit? With the rise of a multipolar world—comprising Russia, China, and the Global South—the truth is becoming increasingly difficult to conceal. History may ultimately view the United States not as a benign giant but as a declining empire that ravaged the world while deceiving its own citizens.

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Neville Gafa

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