EU-UK-NATO Council of War

Neville Gafa

~ 1 week ago

EU-UK-NATO Council of War

The European Union is gearing up for some serious business! An “informal retreat” is scheduled for 3 February at the Palais d’Egmont in Brussels.


The invitation sets the tone for what sounds like a war cabinet meeting, with a focus on European defence and security. It’s quite amusing how peace in Europe now apparently depends on Ukraine winning a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace. I wonder if they’ve considered the irony of preparing for war in the name of peace.


EU leaders will gather in Belgium on February 3 for an exceptional defence “retreat” involving Britain’s prime minister and NATO’s secretary general, two weeks after Donald Trump returns to the White House, the bloc announced Monday



The purpose of this meeting is to pave the way for future decisions and to guide the Commission and the High Representative in preparing a white paper on the future of European defence. It seems like substantial additional defence investments are on the horizon.



Maybe someone should remind the EUnuchs that engaging in direct military conflict with Russia might not be the best idea.


Let’s hope that this meeting doesn’t lead to any unnecessary conflicts. After all, “winning everlasting peace” two metres underground doesn’t sound like a great outcome.

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Neville Gafa

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