Simon Busuttil’s 2013 Election Fiasco: No, We Can’t Cut Electricity Bills!

Neville Gafa

~ 1 month ago

Simon Busuttil’s 2013 Election Fiasco: No, We Can’t Cut Electricity Bills!

Ah, Simon Busuttil, the political genius who was the PN star candidate for the 2013 election campaign, boldly claimed that reducing electricity bills was simply impossible. Apparently, it was far beyond his party’s capabilities to do something as mind-boggling as lowering costs for the average citizen. Forget about what everyone else thought—the Nats knew better.



While the public was rallying behind promises of change and more affordable living, the PN and Busuttil stood firm in his “wisdom” that the idea of reducing utility costs was a fantasy. Yeah, sure, because no one’s ever managed to cut bills before, right? Not even with real, practical plans.


And what happened in the end? Oh, just the little fact that the Labour government delivered exactly what the PN and Simon claimed was impossible. But don’t worry, Simon—your fantastic we-can’t-do-it attitude will go down in history as a shining example of leadership… not!


So, for those who thought politics might involve solutions: here’s a reminder that Busuttil’s approach was just to tell everyone it couldn’t be done, while reality proved him completely wrong. Classic!

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Picture of Neville Gafa

Neville Gafa

1 Comment

  1. Running Commentary February 4, 2025

    There were other such occasions where Busuttil exposed his ineptness..

    1. he had claimed that labour’s manifesto meant that malta would need a bail out. This couldnt have been further from the truth. Pre covid, we had become accustomed to budget surpluses, reduction of debt to gdpz and reduction of debt in absolute terms too.

    2. he had also claimed, when govt had issued a temporary guarantee for electrogas’s bank funding, pending the eu’s scrutiny on the security of supply matter, that no bank in its right mind who ever think of providing finance to elcteogas given that it is mired with corruption. Subsequent to the eu’s green light, 5 big international banks stepped in and the malta govt guarantee was cancelled.

    3. the egrant claim that he made his own, and for which his successor adrian delia asked busuttil to resign feom the pn parliamentary group. (yes, this happened and people tend to forget). now busittil himself is trying to distance himself from.having made that statement his own, ie thay egrant belonged to the muscats.

    There are surely many other blunders…perhaps each reader here may wish to add another one. Woild be cool to see how long the list could grow.


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