Breaking : The Scandalous Rise and Fall of Dave Churchill in the Vitals Inquiry

Neville Gafa

~ 4 days ago

Breaking : The Scandalous Rise and Fall of Dave Churchill in the Vitals Inquiry

In a dazzling web of intrigue and eyebrow-raising coincidences, Kenneth “Dave” Churchill’s appointment to the Vitals inquiry on September 2, 2020, has emerged as an impressive tale of influence and enrichment. As the clock strikes 75 years for Dave today, it seems there’s more to celebrate than just another birthday.


The man behind the curtain, Magistrate Gabriella Vella, might have been swayed by Jeremy Harbinson’s whisper of recommendation, but it’s hard to ignore the shadow of Samuel Sittlington, Dave’s business partner in their early years. The three orchestrated a business dance that would leave many skeptics questioning the true nature of their partnerships.


Gabriella Vella

Dave Churchill wasn’t just another name behind a desk; he was the dominant force at the helm of the West Midland Police Economic Crime Unit’s Fraud Section. His illustrious career included a stint with Harbinson-Mulholland, under the keen eye of Jeremy Harbinson himself, in Northern Ireland.


The plot thickened with the inception of The Fraud Company Ltd in 2013, a venture he shared with none other than Samuel Sittlington and David Graves. A name change to Fraud Management Services (UK) Limited didn’t prevent the company from meeting its demise just two years later.


Sam Sittlington


And yet, not all ventures floundered. Dave Churchill’s personal enterprise, Churchill Fraud Solutions Ltd, which had been staggering along with modest net assets, suddenly skyrocketed after his 2020 inquiry appointment. From an average of £32,000 to a staggering £324,000 annually in net assets, the timing raises questions that remain unanswered. Benefiting from the seeming mystical forces of his appointment, Dave Churchill’s fortune multiplied tenfold.


Kenneth David Churchill


Is it mere coincidence that such prosperity aligns with connections in high places, or is it proof that aligning the right pieces on the chessboard wins the game? Jeremy Harbinson, Samuel Sittlington, and Dave Churchill seem to have mastered this game.


However, as swiftly as fortunes can rise, they too can conclude. As Dave begins to wind down Churchill Fraud Solutions Ltd, with liquidation proceedings initiated in December 2023, it appears the final chapter of this scandalous saga is nearing its climax, with May 3, 2025, looming as its end.


The confluence of close friendships and financial windfalls paints a tantalizing picture of the power plays within the shadowy world of high-stakes inquiries and corporate manipulation.

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Picture of Neville Gafa

Neville Gafa

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