In a political landscape that has seen the rise of technical governments and intricate maneuvers, the notion of a shifting democracy across Europe might not seem as alarming as it should. Yet, the narrative remains that democracy is bravely fighting the encroachment of figures like Putin and Trump. In the midst of this, European […]
Minn Korrispondent Filwaqt li fis-skiet ta’ darhom l-Għawdxin u l-Maltin flew ir-riżultati tas-surveys li saru fil-ġurnali, tajjeb li wieħed jara x’wassal biex għandna dawn l-istampi partikolari. Il-Partit Nazzjonalista iżjed minn qatt qabel qed juri li jinsab bla tmexxija u riesaq lejn telfa oħra elettorali kbira li twasslu biex min kien ħammillu l-art […]
In a shocking display of political audacity, Roberta Metsola, now dubbed the “Empress of Battles,” has cemented her reputation as a ruthless architect of conflict. Despite the global craving for peace, Metsola, in a glaring act of defiance, has veered dangerously close to war-mongering hysteria. Instead of urging her close ally, the notorious Volodymyr Zelensky, […]