“If the U.S. leaves us no other choice, the EU will flex its muscles as the world’s largest market,” Scholz declared with the audacity of someone holding four aces in a high-stakes poker game. But, let’s pause for a second—will Herr Scholz even make it past this month’s vote, or is he just […]
In a shocking twist befitting a high-stakes thriller, Jeremy Harbinson, who slyly stashed away a colossal 11 million Euros, has audaciously turned his back on Malta with a haughty wave of defiance! In an eyebrow-raising sworn affidavit, Harbinson claims it’s simply “unacceptable and unsustainable” for him to deign to travel to the island nation. […]
Waqt is-seduta ta’ dalgħodu, dwar Jeremy Harbinson il-Qorti kienet ċara li fl-affidavit tiegħu qal ħafna affarijiet li m’ghandux raġun dwarhom. Fl-istess ħin qalet li mhux se jsiru aktar xhieda fil-kawża relatata qabel issir ix-xhieda tiegħu. Dan ikompli jitfa’ dubji serji dwar l-integrità ta’ Jeremy Harbinson li huwa x-xhud prinċipali tal-Prosekuzzjoni.