Miroslava “Mira” Milenović has long paraded herself as a forensic accountant, but startling revelations expose a facade lacking genuine credentials. Despite her claims, Milenović is neither a certified accountant in Malta nor holds the necessary qualifications to be recognized as an accountant on the island. Shockingly, even in her homeland of Serbia, she […]
Illum se nkompli naqsam magħkom is-saga ta’ meta l-Onorevoli Ryan Callus tneħħa minn ritratt u tant ħa għalih li ried jipprova jieħu raġun fil-Parlament. Spiċċat quddiem il-Parlament għax Callus, wara li l-istorja ma kibtritx biżżejjed fuq il-ġurnali għax bdew jgħidulu li qed jagħmel għaġeb mix-xejn, mar il-Parlament jistaqsi fuqu nnifsu. Investigazzjoni sħiħa: […]
In 2013, as the Nationalist Party lost grip on power, they left behind a scandalous mess at Gozo General Hospital—a wreckage of broken promises, crumbling facilities, and derelict healthcare. The state of Gozo Hospital could only be described as catastrophic. Reports and shocking photographs revealed a grim scene: peeling paint, rusted medical equipment, and […]