As I pen down my thoughts and experiences from the past three years, I find myself reflecting on a journey clouded by conflict, misinformation, and the pursuit of truth. On February 24th, 2022, the world witnessed the onset of a war that would shape not only geopolitical landscapes but also the narratives we were […]
Roberta Metsola, the illustrious President of the European Parliament, is gracing Washington D.C. with her presence. The grand mission? To reassure everyone that Europe is oh-so-ready to “strengthen the transatlantic partnership.” Because, clearly, both sides were on pins and needles awaiting this revelation. Isn’t it adorable how Europe is making its valiant […]
Huwa eżatt kif qed jgħid Dr Joseph Muscat. Jiena fil-ġurnata tad-delitt kont il-Lussemburgu għall-General Affairs Council fir-rwol tieghi ta’ ministru għall-Affarijiet Ewropej. Kif sirt naf li kienet karozza bomba, tkellimt mal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat u minnufiħ bdejna l-kuntatt man-Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI). L-NFI huma esperti dinjin fuq każijiet ta’ karozzi bomba u Dr […]