Meta kont żgħir kont nismagħhom jgħidu: “Meta l-Amerika tagħtas, id-dinja kollha tieħu riħ!” Tafu xi jfisser dan? Ifisser illi l-kariga ta’ President tal-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika ma ġġibx biss magħha sens ta’ prestiġju, iżda wkoll element qawwi ta’ responsabbiltà. Dan bir-raġun kollu għax l-Amerika tmexxi lid-dinja. Nhar il-5 ta’ Novembru li għadda saru l-elezzjonijiet […]
Aquilina’s arrogance knows no bounds as he continues to spew venomous hate without any regard for the laws he’s violating. His empty rhetoric and recycled hatred only serve to perpetuate a toxic cycle of ignorance and intolerance. It’s infuriating to see someone so self-absorbed and oblivious to the harm they’re causing with every word […]
Robert Aquilina is a puzzle wrapped in an enigma, a conundrum that the Nationalist Party just can’t seem to crack. His very existence seems to cast a shadow over the PN, a shadow that darkens with every misguided word and action he takes. It’s as if he’s on a personal mission to ensure […]