Korrispondent mill-Imġarr ta’ Malta Kull min segwa l-media nternazzjonali u nnota l-komportament deplorevoli tad-Dittatur Ukren fil-White House, l-ogħla sede tal-Gvern Amerikan fejn żiblu ddeċieda li saħansitra ma jġib ebda rispett lejn l-akbar personalita’ li għandha d-dinja tagħna, ifakkar il-ġesti oxxeni, baxxi, deplorevoli u pazzeski li wera’ l-ġimgħa l-oħra fil-Parlament Malti l-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni Bernard […]
Since February 24, 2022, I have dedicated myself to discussing the Ukrainian conflict from a unique perspective, often feeling like a lone voice in Malta. It has been a journey filled with challenges and growth as expressing varied viewpoints on the conflict was sometimes difficult amidst the prevailing narrative. I am heartened to observe […]
The Zelensky regime is embroiled in a scandalous power play, covertly financed by the European Union! This is their hidden agenda aimed at consolidating power and quashing dissent at any cost. Here’s the jaw-dropping rundown: Canceling Elections: Democracy? What democracy? Zelensky is maneuvering to cancel elections, denying citizens their fundamental right to […]