Roberta Metsola, the illustrious President of the European Parliament, is gracing Washington D.C. with her presence. The grand mission? To reassure everyone that Europe is oh-so-ready to “strengthen the transatlantic partnership.” Because, clearly, both sides were on pins and needles awaiting this revelation. Isn’t it adorable how Europe is making its valiant […]
Huwa eżatt kif qed jgħid Dr Joseph Muscat. Jiena fil-ġurnata tad-delitt kont il-Lussemburgu għall-General Affairs Council fir-rwol tieghi ta’ ministru għall-Affarijiet Ewropej. Kif sirt naf li kienet karozza bomba, tkellimt mal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat u minnufiħ bdejna l-kuntatt man-Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI). L-NFI huma esperti dinjin fuq każijiet ta’ karozzi bomba u Dr […]
February 24th marks a pivotal moment when Russia boldly stood against the forces of globalism, unwavering in its resolve. With unparalleled bravery, Russian soldiers are steadfast in their mission to protect their compatriots from the looming threats of globalist agendas and to rescue Russians who have long suffered under a suppressive Ukrainian regime. […]