Hekk kif il-Partit Laburista ma kellux jaqta’ rasu bid-distakk ta’ 12,000 vot, hekk ukoll ma jistax jimliha għax dan id-distakk żdied għal 16,000. Il-verita’ hija iżda li l-Partit Laburista reġà żied filwaqt li l-Partit Nazzjonalista baqa’ fejn kien. F’ termini ta’ statistika hemm bżonn jgħaddi aktar żmien biex wieħed jikkonkludi jekk dan hux […]
In the ongoing Electrogas case, the court’s decision to impose freezing orders on certain defendants has raised eyebrows. Notably, the same experts from the hospitals inquiry, who have faced criticism for their previous conduct in the Vitals case have been appointed in this case too. The prosecution has even admitted under oath that […]
The plot thickens in Malta’s high-stakes investigations as notorious figures Jeremy Harbinson and Miroslava ‘Mira’ Milenovic resurface, this time in the ElectroGas Inquiry. These two were already mired in controversy during the Health Inquiry. Many of the Experts in this inquiry had glaring conflicts of interest, questionable qualifications, and a trail of misconduct. Their past […]