Who is Ursula von der Liar? The woman seemingly obsessed with perpetuating the conflict in Ukraine? Born into a world of privilege, her rise is drenched in accusations of nepotism, with scandals conveniently swept under the carpet by compliant media. Her father, Ernst Albrecht, a CDU politician and former Lower Saxony Minister-President (1976-1990), […]
Meta dan l-aħħar, fl-eqqel tat-tilwima li kellha l-union tat-tobba, il-MAM, mal-Gvern, numru ta’ membri tal-MAM ħarġu jakkużaw lil Martin Balzan li ma sejjaħx il-laqgħa ġenerali biex baqa’ jokkupa postu, Pawlu Pace tal-MUMN tgħidx kemm skandalizza ruħu bin-nuqqas ta’ kredenzjali demokratiċi ta’ Martin Balzan u l-MAM. Kien l-għors tiegħu jdur is-swali u jiżżeblaħ b’Martin […]
The Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU) has long been at the forefront of financial investigations, especially when media reports raise red flags. Time and again, the FIAU has collaborated with international counterparts to trace money flows. But today, Malta faces a crisis where its entire court system is under threat. Close to €20 million […]