With Donald Trump’s recent inauguration for his second term, we’ve witnessed several pivotal announcements that are likely to shape the future. Let’s examine the prominent points from his inauguration speech. 1. Immigration Policy: Trump swiftly reaffirmed his dedication to curbing uncontrolled immigration by declaring a state of emergency at the Mexican border. His move […]
Id-deċiżjoni tal-Qorti tal-Maġistrati tal-lum li ma tinbediex inkjesta bil-Maġistrat li kienu talbu l-estremisti tal-Partit Nazzjonalista fil-jiem tal-Milied fil-konfront ta’ uffiċjal pubbliku li m’għandu x’jaqsam xejn mal-politika turi iktar minn qatt qabel kemm għandna bżonn ta’ riforma llum qabel għada. F’dan il-każ persuna li lanqas ma hi fil-politika kellha isimha mxandar mal-erbat irjieħ in konnessjoni […]
During the inauguration of President Donald Trump, Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament, stated that Europe is prepared to collaborate with the United States as allies and partners, aiming to reinforce the transatlantic alliance and foster a world characterized by stability, opportunity, and hope. Interestingly, Roberta Metsola, alongside figures like Ursula […]