Accountant Turns His Back on Hospitals Case – Leaving Justice in Shambles! Jeremy John Harbinson, the forensic accountant who cashed in MILLIONS from the Malta hospitals inquiry, has SHOCKINGLY refused to testify in the court case that his OWN REPORT created! In a jaw-dropping affidavit, this so-called “expert” spews a series of pathetic excuses […]
Qed nesperjenzaw realtà perikoluża li jekk mhux se jkun dan il-Gvern li jindirizzaha, se nkomplu naraw nies innoċenti jissawtu minn min jixtieq jagħmel vendetti politiċi. Ir-risposta tal-espert mill-inkjesta Harbinson tirredikola lil Maġistrat in-kwistjoni u l-Qorti tagħna, fejn b’arroganza qiegħed jitlob estensjoni ta’ ħlas biex ikun jista jinġieb għal xhieda verbali. Skont hu, […]
Simon Busuttil, a former leader of the opposition, has returned to Malta, bringing with him the toxic political climate he once supported. His tendency for personal attacks and sensationalism has only served to tarnish Malta’s reputation on the international stage. Instead of promoting constructive dialogue, he resorts to fear-mongering regarding proposed reforms to the criminal […]