Two weeks ago, this platform raised a provocative question to The Shift. We put forward a curious inquiry about whether the organization is receiving any form of funding from a Foreign Government. Today, we’re not letting this drop. We’re addressing Caroline Muscat, the founder of The Shift, directly. Let’s cut to […]
The Court of Magistrates has cleared Christian Borg of perjury allegations due to the prosecution’s inability to provide a transcript of the allegedly false testimony. In its decision, the court emphasized that the prosecution had not fulfilled the necessary burden of proof, highlighting that determining the truthfulness of the testimony was “impossible without the […]
Silvio Camilleri jidher li se jkompli fuq il-passi ta’ sieħbu l-puppatur ex Imħallef Joe Zammit Mckeon. Ħareġ ipeċlaq dwar ir-Rapport ta’ Zammit McKeon dwar il-Ħabs. Rapport magħmul fuq xhieda ta’ individwi qattiela Nazzjonalisti u li żammhom anonimi. Fl-aħħar ġimgħat, Silvio Camilleri wiċċ l-askri ħareġ jattakka lill-Gvern b’kummenti ħamalli li ma jixirqux la kennies u […]