I felt compelled to address a recent statement made by President Donald Trump suggesting that Russia played a minimal role in defeating the Nazis during World War II. With the perspective of a frequent visitor to Russia and possessing a profound comprehension of its history, i must clarify the undeniable truth. The Soviet […]
Ftit tal-ħin ilu ssottomettejt ilment għand il-Kummissarju għall-Istandards fil-Ħajja Pubblika fejn tlabt sabiex jiġi nvestigat l-Onorevoli Adrian Delia. Dan hekk kif ħareġ ċar li b’mod sfaċċat I-Onorevoli Delia qiegħed juża, jew saħansitra jabbuża, iI-pożizzjoni Parlamentari tiegħu b’konflitt ta’ interess qawwi personali. Dan jirriżulta mit-tweġiba għal numru ta’ mistoqsijiet parlamentari li ssottometta dwar każ […]
With Donald Trump’s recent inauguration for his second term, we’ve witnessed several pivotal announcements that are likely to shape the future. Let’s examine the prominent points from his inauguration speech. 1. Immigration Policy: Trump swiftly reaffirmed his dedication to curbing uncontrolled immigration by declaring a state of emergency at the Mexican border. His move […]