Ikisser il-kredibilità tas-Serba Milenovic Minbarra li qal li ma jridx jiġi Malta qatt aktar wara li tħallas €11-il miljun, Jeremy Harbinson, il-bniedem li fi kliemu kkordina x-xogħol kollu fuq l-inkjesta Vitals, attakka lill-Maġistrat Gabriella Vella u kisser għal kollox il-kredibiltà tal-“accountant” Serba, Miroslava Milenovic. L-affidavit li Harbinson ppreżenta lill-Qorti kmieni din il-ġimgħa, qajjem […]
I must admit—surprisingly, he turned on the heat. Everyone expected the usual diplomatic courtesies toward Europe from its partner, along with comments on Donald Trump’s remarks about ending the Ukrainian conflict. But instead, he took the floor and harshly reprimanded the Europeans, who have completely lost themselves in recent years: your democracy is weak, […]
In a plot twist that absolutely no one saw coming, Simon Busuttil has made his grand return to Maltese politics. Yes, you read that correctly. The mastermind behind the Nationalist Party’s most spectacular electoral defeat in 2017 is back—and he’s better than ever. Or at least he thinks he is. Why settle for […]