Prof. Azzopardi, you have been evading questions regarding your potential candidacy in the upcoming general election with the Nationalist Party. Your silence on this matter is not only concerning but also disrespectful to the public who have a right to know the intentions of those seeking public office. However, our inquiry does […]
Prof. Andrew Azzopardi, did you know that Louis Galea’s former chief of staff was sentenced to 18 years in jail and fined €40,000 after Judge Michael Mallia found him guilty of all counts of conspiracy, importation and trafficking in cocaine? It’s outrageous how Bezzina, who practically dominated Louis Galea’s ministry like it […]
Sur puppatur ex Imħallef Joe Zammit Mckeon, Dan is-sit se jkompli jistaqsik, għax il-poplu għandu dritt ikun jaf kif irnexxielek tikkonkludi dan ir-rapport – rumanz dwar it-tmexxija tal-Ħabs ta’ Kordin bejn Lulju tal-2018 u Diċembru tal-2021. Jista’ il-puppatur Zammit McKeon jghidilna jekk jafx bil- ‘Performance Audit: A Strategic Overview on the Correctional Services […]